Georgianne Pillsbury

Georgianne Pillsbury looked at her temporary position at a bank as just that, a temporary position, not a career where she would advance through different departments, find her passion around empowering women around their finances, and educating and serving the larger community around proactive money management.

In her banking career as a teller, new accounts manager, loan adviser, and call center manager, she found a passion for working with people in addressing their financial issues, challenges and opportunities. As she advanced beyond that to launch and direct a call center and then move on to investment management, she found that there were fewer women in these roles, and also that men and women were different in the way they looked at and worked with money. She found her passion in educating and empowering and guiding women to have open communications with their spouses around money, and to be informed enough to make financial decisions for their future.

Georgianne said that women in general, look at money differently – not so much in quantifiable, goal-oriented dollar terms as men do, as family providers, but more around impact, meaning and values. Georgianne works with women to take their emotions and feelings around money, and map it to their values, and then to create a realistic, quantifiable, dollar-amount plan for the future. She does this by creating a trust-based, authentic relationship, and getting women to open up individually and in groups, in a safe environment, without worrying about pushy sales pitches. She is also adept at creating networks and connections between women of similar mindsets and values and helping them help each other through difficult financial conversations with spouses and others, and by helping us distinguish between a budget, something that people might find limiting and worth avoiding, and a spending plan, which is a more positive way to facilitate values-based choices around money. She has the following advice to help women meet their financial goals:

Please join me in thanking Georgianne for taking the time to participate in our interview, and for inviting us to think proactively about our financial future and well-being, and giving us the resources and tools to do so. For more information, visit and